Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a hard time of year for most prisoners. It means a significant holiday away from your loved ones. Another year of missed memories, and letting down those you love. 

You won't find most prisoner's bulletin boards decorated with holiday cards, or decorations because if they were even remembered and received cards, who wants a reminder of what they're missing? So most of us just avoid watching holiday movies, or listening to Christmas music and we try to treat Christmas like every other day in prison. 

But even so, I think it's important to take time during the holidays to remember the importance of the celebration of the birth of Christ. 
I'm grateful for the most important gift I've ever received: the gift of Christ. 

So while you're celebrating this holiday season, remember that prisoners aren't the only ones who might find the holidays hard to celebrate. Look for someone who's lonely and brighten their day. Maybe a shut-in, or someone who recently lost a loved one or went through a divorce. Just give them a smile, maybe a plate of cookies, and let them know they are remembered and loved.

From my heart to yours... 
Merry Christmas!