Thursday, November 7, 2013

Limitless Hope

When I started this blog, I named it "Hope on the Inside" because of
how important I believe hope is, both to those in prison, and those

Regardless of the particular circumstances, whenever someone
is in the midst of a crisis or significant shift in life, sometimes
hope is what makes the difference between carrying on and giving up.
It also determines whether you thrive or just survive.

The problem with hope is that sometimes it disappoints. Sometimes it
doesn't deliver on time and sometimes not at all. The key is in what
(or on Whom) your hope lies.

In her book, "As Silver Refined", author Kay Arthur observed, "When we
lose hope, in essence it's because we believe that God's
lovingkindnesses have ceased - that there's nothing more we can expect
from God, that he's reached His limit."

To me, holding onto hope is believing not only in God's limitless
supply, but also believing in His willingness to use that supply in my
life. Sometimes I want to come to God selfishly wanting my way, in my
time, but I know that part of God's goodness is knowing what is right
for me, and when it's right for me.

Choosing hope means surrendering my will for something far better:
whatever it is God has planned for me.

I love seeing God work in ways I've never thought of before. It always
brings a smile to my face when God surprises me.
Keep hope, my friends. The Author of hope never disappoints.