Tuesday, February 16, 2016

6 Simple Ways To Connect With Someone in Prison

Connecting with someone in prison can be challenging. The distance prison creates is not simply geographical; prison has a way of putting up walls in relationships too. But these walls do not need to exist or to be hardened by time. A relationship with someone in prison can be deepened and strengthened for those who are willing to put in the work. 

These are some simple ideas that you can use to build a relationship with a prisoner:

1. Visits
Face-to-face visits are by far the best way to build relationships. Nothing compares to the ability to read facial expressions and body language, and to share a loving physical connection.

2. Phone Calls

Most prisoners make $10-15 on average per month, so if you are able to accept collect phone calls or set up a prepaid account to keep in touch by phone this is the second best way to stay connected. Keeping good relationships at home is a key to reducing chances of re-offense. 

3. Letters, Emails, and Pictures

Mail call can be a real let-down to prisoners who never, or rarely, receive mail. Even with the ability to email now available, receiving a letter through the mail can lift a prisoner's spirits. Many prisoners keep photo albums to reflect on or to share with other the pictures they've received by mail. Others pin pictures to their bulletin boards to keep the memories fresh. Pictures are sometimes the only way to see how life is happening while the prisoner is gone. 

4. Share An Activity

You have to create opportunities to experience life together. Agree to read the same book or watch the same television show and discuss it together. Play tic-tac-toe, hangman, or other simple games together by mail, each taking a turn and mailing the game back with a return letter. Study together, or tutor by mail. Education is an important part of rehabilitation and you can be a part of that education.

5. Get Creative Together

Many creative people are in prison, but not many outlets exist to put that creativity to work. You can commission drawings, leatherwork, or other hobbycraft items to be made for gifts or for you to sell at church or in the community to help your loved one support himself. Prisoners who are not creative may even be able to purchase hobbycraft projects from other prisoners for you to sell for a profit. You could also write a short story together, each writing a page or several paragraphs at a time. 

6. Ask For Advise Or Opinions

Prisoners still need to feel like they matter. If you are painting the house, ask for opinions on colors. If you are buying a car, ask for advise on makes and models. Include the prisoner in your decision-making to give him a sense of purpose, so he can feel included in your life.

What ideas have you used to connect with those you love who are in prison?

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