Saturday, April 23, 2016

If I hear one more complaint...

I just came back from lunch in the chow hall at the prison in which I am housed. Now, let me first state that meal time in prison is nothing to look forward to, but most days, if one is willing to eat what he is given, he will not leave hungry. The food is not great, or even good most of the time, but at least it is something to eat. 

While I sat at chow eating my White Castle-sized single hamburger, a guy at my table complained non-stop. The burger was a joke. The potato salad had too many onions and celery. Here we go again with the beans. And why would the Warden and food service supervisor show up on one of the better meals and not one of the crappy meals? My first thought was that will all the complaining on a "better" meal, I would hate to hear what he had to say about a worse meal. 

My second thought was that prisoners are often very ungrateful. Every day, from my first encounter with other inmates in the early morning while brushing my teeth, to my last interaction at night before bed, I hear non-stop complaining. It is no wonder the prison officials do not take legitimate complaints seriously.

I wonder if I heard this much complaining before coming to prison? Sure, everyone has something in their lives they would like to see be different, but I have never been surrounded by people with such a negative outlook on life until I came to prison. It's very draining.

This year, I purposed to work on developing a grateful attitude, even in prison, so maybe that makes me more sensitive to the incessant complaining I hear around me. 

I do not want to be miserable all my life, and since I can not change my circumstances, the only thing I can change is my attitude. It is not easy when so much seems to go wrong, but by keeping a positive attitude and being grateful when I feel like complaining, I find myself so much more peaceful. 

Try to catch yourself complaining today and instead of voicing that complaint, look for something for which to express gratefulness. It is all a matter of perspective. 

For me, I am very grateful for such a beautiful, sunny day that makes it easier for me to walk off my lunch and give me an appetite for another meal tonight.

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