Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Forgotten Victims

Mother's Day is often a difficult day for those in prison, but I imagine it is immensely more difficult for the mothers of those prisoners. The pain of seeing one's son or daughter sent to prison for harming someone else is a pain I can only imagine. It crushes me to know my own mother had to experience that pain and still has to deal with the pain of not having her son free. I'd like nothing more than to make my mom's day special, but I'm in prison, restricted to a phone call or email. I'd like to make the day special for the mother of my children too, but I can't do that either. 

When someone commits a crime, many people suffer for it. But today I want to acknowledge my own mother and the other mothers who have suffered the agony of knowing their child harmed someone else and who have suffered their own loss as a result. You moms, including my own, who have stood by your incarcerated children, reassuring them that they are still loved and valued even when they did deserve more than a phone call, email, or handmade card. You deserve recognition for your warrior spirit. You deserve recognition for your unconditional love.

Some of us have been very unloving, but you've loved us anyway. Your examples give us something to live up to, something to aspire to. For all you have done, for all you continue to do, but most of all for who you are: Thank you!! 

I love you Mom!

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