Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Michigan Prisoners Mourn Recent Tragedy at Michigan State University

 I want to express my grief over and sympathy towards those who were affected by the recent shooting at Michigan State University. I am a long time University of Michigan fan, but when tragedies like this occur, it doesn't matter where your fan loyalties lie. We're all human. 

Some might be surprised to hear that many prisoners were troubled by the shooting at MSU. Just because we're prisoners who broke the law does not mean that we don't have empathy for victims of crime. We do, especially when it hits close to home. 

No matter where one is housed in Michigan, most Michigan prisoners are usually U of M or MSU fans (some unfortunate few are Buckeye fans!). We might have family ties to either university, had interactions with them, or simply chose a team and have stuck to it. Both U of M and MSU have a long history of involvement with Michigan prisoners. 

Michigan State University has been involved in conducting poetry writing classes, poetry slam contests, training prisoners for job interviews, and much more. At one prison, we even had an MSU professor coming in regularly with a few students to teach yoga classes. Covid shut that down, but I still have fond memories of Mr. G. and his huge heart for prisoners. 

I was also fortunate enough to be the first Michigan prisoner that MSU's tax clinic helped with some IRS issues. They were wonderful to work with, and they proved to have huge hearts too. 

The University of Michigan also conducts an annual Prisoner Creative Arts project. Prisoners are invited to submit art work or creative writing which is then auctioned off by the University. Prisoners choose where the money they earn goes. Many prisoners donate it to worthy causes.

Other colleges and universities around the country have prison projects that aim to make a difference in the lives of prisoners. For example, I have submitted several stories to Cornell University's project, PrisonerExpress.com

Even if these universities were not involved in prison projects, if the staff and students didn't have huge hearts for those of us who don't deserve their care and concern, what happened at MSU still hits home. Nobody, but especially our children, deserves to live in fear of their safety. College is supposed to be centered on growth and learning. It ought not to be a place of pain and terror. 

I don't know what caused this man to shoot students at MSU. I hope he's able to get help for whatever mental illness he might be struggling with (as reported). But families are still left devastated. Students are still terrified to return to classes. It's tragic, and I'm deeply saddened by it. I'm sad for people I know from MSU, for people I don't know there, and for those who are shaken up because they have loved ones at MSU. 

From this University of Michigan fan, and reflecting the hearts of many Michigan prisoners, Spartans, we're praying for you!

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