Friday, September 1, 2023

Michigan's Prison Good Time Ballot Initiative Needs Your Help!

Several pieces of legislation have been introduced this legislative term to bring back some form of good time to Michigan's prison system. As the only state in the union with no form of good time or sentence reductions and with the highest average prison sentence of any state, it's time for Michigan to act! However, the legislature has continued to drag its feet on these bills, which are all currently still sitting in committee. 

The prisoner advocacy organization, Michigan Justice Advocacy (MJA), has been educating and advocating to legislators about good time options, but now it's time for the People to act!

MJA has already proposed and had approved language for a ballot initiative to bring the issue of good time to Michigan voters. August 1st, MJA began their drive to collect the required 356,958 signatures to include the ballot initiative on the ballot in November. This drive for signatures is a HUGE undertaking, so we need all hands on deck. 

To make things easier for everyone, MJA has created two instructional videos so an army of signature collectors can participate in properly gathering the required signatures. I am asking my readers to take the 15-20 minutes to watch these instructional videos, to print the signature collection forms (on legal size paper), and to commit to filling at least ONE form to turn in towards the signature totals. 

Start by going to and watch the two videos. 

MJA will give you further instructions on how to collect signatures accurately (very important!), and where to turn in completed forms. 

There is a limited time requirement to collect the full number of signatures, so we need all hands on deck as quickly as possible. Please join us in this important endeavor! It's time for the people of Michigan to demonstrate its political power. You can help make a rousing statement to lawmakers that Michigan will no longer support the status quo--a severely overcrowded and understaffed prison industry.

Thank you, on behalf of Michigan's prisoners, for taking the time to care about this important issue! 

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