Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Labor Day in Prison Means More Cancellations Amid Critical Staff Shortages

 Today, as I write this, it's Labor Day. This holiday, like most in prison, is always a disappointment. Yeah, it's a day off work, and sometimes there are activities, but we're separate from our families. That's the part that really hurts. 

Additionally, especially since the MDOC has had a major staffing problem, holidays in prison have become another major excuse to cancel things. For example, this morning's big yard time and gym were cancelled...again. It's been cancelled almost every morning this week. Holidays are no exception. 

The restrictions implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic radically changed how Michigan operates its prisons. Many restrictions have remained, despite the lifting of social distancing mandates. Religious services are still restricted (limits to number of prisoners), visits are still restricted (2 hour limit, scheduling required), and internal fences and mingling restrictions have remained in place. 

These mingling restrictions, especially in a level 1 low security prison, were very uncommon prior to the pandemic. Holidays saw large events on big yard times -- concerts, softball and corn hole games, and people making and sharing food. Now, you can hardly tell it's a holiday, except that everything is cancelled (library, classes, etc.) due to the holiday. And "staffing shortages" mean our yard times and recreational activities are cancelled too. 

I know prison isn't supposed to be "fun," but when prisoners have nothing to do, nothing to keep them busy, their energy is spent in other ways. And those ways are not very often productive. 

It's a beautiful day out, though, so I'm going to make the best of it, get some sun, talk with some other prisoners, and keep my attitude positive as I look forward to future Labor Days spent with my family, doing what I want and eating what I want. Those days can't come soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I understand how that must be hard on many fronts. :( - G


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