Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Memoirs of Four Convicted Murderers

I recently read a book published by four guys at this facility called Memoirs of Four Convicted Murderers. I personally know three of the four authors, and they are good men who made terribly tragic choices, two of whom were only teens at the time.

While the media sensationalizes the stories of teenage killers through news reports and TV specials, this book is a raw look at the criminal mindset that these authors were committed to before taking the life of another person. The authors take full responsibility for their actions and don't glorify or sensationalize what they did. As you read their stories you can't help but realize how easy a single decision can forever alter lives.

With all of the tragic shooting stories in the news, there appears to be an epidemic of teen shootings and teenage killers. The authors of Memoirs want to reach every teen or young adult whose thinking is leading to criminal behavior; the authors want to show these teens that there's more to life than "Life in Prison."

Memoirs is a self-help book on criminal behavior and rehabilitation that uses personal stories to connect ideas about rehabilitation to real life.

This book is available at Amazon.com in ebook or paperback and at DwightHenley.com. All profits go to the Michigan Crime Victims Services Fund.