Thursday, September 6, 2012

Deepen Your Well

Have you noticed that at times of crisis people turn out in droves to church, or to pray in groups? Think of 9/11, or other tragedies. Why is it that people wait until a crisis in their lives, or in the lives of those around them to make God a priority?

I was reading a devotional recently that I think clearly gave the answer. 

When you're in a situation where you just have no hope, and no way to see an answer to the question 'why?’ we tend to turn to God at those times because we need the comfort of His grace. Of course, I'd argue that we need it at all times, good and bad, but as this devotional stated, "Like an oasis, God's goodness is found in dry and difficult places."

It's not that God's goodness can't be found in good times too. In fact, if we're honest about it, we'd recognize that those good times are a blessing from God. But again, as this devotional put it, "Sometimes God's gifts are seen more clearly when we are tired and thirsty."

Prison often feels like a dry, desert wasteland. But even in the desert you can become adapted to your surroundings. I think it's important to take the good times, even in bad circumstances, to strengthen your inner-person so that when you do experience those dry and difficult places you have a well from which to draw from. 

If you're in a dry and difficult place, go ahead and look to the oasis of God's goodness. But if you're in good times, keep deepening that well.