Monday, March 24, 2014

Focused on Redemption

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" This verse from Proverbs 27:17 was perfectly illustrated the other night as I watched a graduation ceremony for the young men who participated in the peer-to-peer focus group I've mentioned previously.

This focus group idea is pointed at using older, more experienced men to help the young men in prison experience changes from the inside out. What struck me most as I listened to some of the young men share their experiences was the common theme that these older men were some of the first to ever believe in them and their potential. They also expressed that the older men didn't give them answers to life, but helped them discover that they already had the answers, they just needed to see them.

This program is a prisoner-led, grassroots movement, sponsored by a prison ministry called Prisoners In Christ and supported by the prison administration (although not officially). 

Officially called "The Focus Group", this program is a positive peer culture program that encourages new thinking, creative expression and commitment to personal growth in those whose lives have been impacted by crime and punishment. There are three dimensions of TFG which are: Leadership Development, Economic Empowerment, and Community Building.

I'm excited about this program because it has had some great responses from a very difficult-to-reach segment of the prison population: the young men. 

There are ways to get involved if you're interested. Just contact Prisoners In Christ and use their contact page to find out what you can do to get involved.

You can also support The Focus Group by purchasing a book on Amazon called:
A Prisoners Experience 
about the stories of many of the first young men involved in this program. 

The profits of the sales of this book are used to provide help to those being released from prison. It's an interesting read, and authored by these incarcerated young men.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." - Bill Gates

How are you empowering others today?"