Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Day in the Life...

I woke up at 6:30 AM and prepared to go to breakfast. The bathroom was a revolving door of sleepy-eyed men emptying their bladders, washing their faces, and, mercifully, some were even brushing their teeth before possibly sitting across from me at breakfast. Breakfast was oatmeal, whole wheat toast with butter and jelly, and a kid-sized, 4 oz's of orange juice. 

After breakfast I went back to my bunk to watch Charles Stanley from "In-Touch Ministries" in Atlanta Georgia. It's something I enjoy every Sunday from 7-8 AM.From 8-9:15 AM I was at the chapel service where a group of volunteers led worship and preached. What an uplifting service it was! While it's easy to get distracted by the obvious hypocrites who raise their hands in praise at service, but curse their neighbor, steal everything not bolted down, and have a boyfriend the rest of the week, I remember that I was a huge hypocrite myself once (in my own way), and still need work too.

After service, while in the dayroom I heard about the fight that happened at 2:30 AM in the bathroom. Both guys were taken to the hold, and I can't say I'm sorry to see one of them go. The guy telling the story of the fight was very animated and had people laughing. It's amazing to me to see the same people who kicked it with one of the guys yesterday talking bad about him today. So much for loyalty.

Sunday is "spring cleaning" day in our cube. We wash the walls, footlockers, shelves and floor with bleach and disinfectant. Prisoners who have been down a while tend to be fastidious about cleaning. I don't know if it's fear of MRSA or just getting sick. Lunch was scrambled eggs, toast, salad, sliced potatoes, and an orange.

After lunch, I played cribbage for an hour or so. I won some and lost some. While playing I noticed "Joe" hanging around looking forlorn, so I asked if he wanted to go for a walk. We went walking on big yard for over an hour where he shared that today was the anniversary of when his ex-wife killed their son. He said, "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I don't normally talk about it. I guess you're a good listener." Made me feel good. I told him I'd pray for him. He is holding onto an awful lot of hatred. I spent some afternoon time typing some letters and mailing them and then showered and shaved. 

Dinner was baked chicken leg with mashed potatoes and gravy, whole wheat bread and butter, and a chocolate chip cookie. 

Played cribbage after dinner for an hour or so, and found out one of my cribbage partners had his watch stolen off his tv shelf while he slept. He's a "crip" so that wasn't supposed to happen. It shows me that the structure of these organizations is seriously lacking. If he finds out who, it won't be pretty.

Kicked it with my cube-ies for a bit and had some laughs and then watched TV for a couple of hours. The Detroit Tigers got swept by San Fran. Now where's all that talk about "The D"?

Fell asleep much earlier than most of the guys in my unit.